Fascination Landscape
Welcome to my website. My name is Andreas Frenkel-Piesch, I am a landscape photographer from the Oberallgäu. The fascination of landscape photography is a valuable part of my life that motivates me again and again to go on a journey of discovery to find atmospheric landscape motifs.
In addition to unforgettable journeys, I am often surprised by the variety of shapes and colours that can be found in the Allgäu Alps alone. The first individual photographs became wall calendars, whose editions were always sold out. Individual pictures became panorama photographs that have found their place on selected walls in companies, guest residences, doctors’ surgeries as well as private rooms. I am always pleased to follow the silent call of the natural landscapes to be discovered with the camera.
Landscape pictures from the Allgäu Alps
Dolomites, Switzerland Alps, Allgäu Alps
New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Madeira